CrimethInc. Special Agent Siggi in Iceland writes us with excellent news, especially if you too are from Iceland:

This year I finished translating the Days of War, Nights of Love book into Icelandic, that is, we might call it the Icelandic version of the original crimethinc book—some of the historical details I switched for Icelandic resistance history and examples of successful direct action, some texts I changed and others I simply translated. I will receive the finished book from the printer this week. I am very happy that this project finally goes onto the streets of Reykjavík. I also run a anarchist library here and distribute some zines and books. I am always looking out for enlarging the library so all donations of used books are welcome. At least I wanted to let some of you know about the Icelandic version of this beautiful book.
Best wishes,
Siggi in Iceland,,